Kata Keeree Hotel

Luxury Villa Phuket


The following video was taken late September 2018.
It will autoplay if your browser allows it to.
The following video was taken late September 2018.
It will autoplay if your browser allows it to.
It's also available in upto 4K UHD definition through our YouTube page.
It's also available in upto 4K UHD definition through our YouTube page.
The following video was taken late March 2018.
Press the button to play the video.
The following video was taken late March 2018.
Press the button to play the video.
It's also available in upto 1080p FHD definition through our YouTube page.
It's also available in upto 1080p FHD definition through our YouTube page.
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The Cooks, Lawsons and Prochzkes, Hong Kong

A holiday and a birthday to remember

This has been a holiday and a birthday to remember... all of it entirely due to the tireless uncomplaining effort of the all the staff... truly dedicated and always friendly... you have made us feel at home and completely relaxed.

Oh having my birthday here was very special. I shall remember it with great fondness. You all outdid yourselves and created a wonderful atmosphere.

There are probably not enough words to accurately explain how good everything has been... the wonderful food, endless supply of fresh juices... truly exceptional all around... better than anywhere I have ever stayed... we will be back!

March 2010